My great uncle was Henry Alfred Cressy, 54th Bn, B coy, killed on 19th July 1916 at Fromelles. He disembarked at Marseilles on 29th June and was killed at Fromelles. I wonder if we could exchange.
Thank you for your reply.
My great uncle was Henry Alfred Cressy, 54th Bn, B coy, killed on 19th July 1916 at Fromelles.
Like John Robertson Forrest, he disembarked at Marseilles on 29th June and was killed at Fromelles.
I wonder if we could exchange…"
"Hi William,
Great that we can exchange information. Nice of you for posting all these pictures of Fromelles.
I'm trying to trace Harry's last days and his journey from Marseilles to the front by completing and correcting the typed…"
I am related to Henry Alfred Cressy killed on July 19, 1916 in Fromelles.
I am trying to trace Henry Cressy's last days in France.
we have already been able to retrace his journey from Alexandria onboard the Caledonia, and then…"
Mon épouse, Yvonne Cressy est la petite nièce d'Harry Cressy tué à Fromelles en 1916.
J'aimerais vous contacter pour connaitre le parcours de Harry en France.
Merci pour votre réponse.
Hi Yvonne and Alain, thanks for your comments regarding Henry Cressy and the presentation the boys put together. The only information they had was the link on the main page to Henry's AIF information which did not list his date of birth. Chloe one of the members of this site would be glad to hear from you and would pass on the relevant details regarding his date of birth. Please feel free to contact her through this site. We will be continuing the project with the students over the next 10 weeks so feel free to be active participants in the site. The boys did a fabulous job given they only had 2 weeks to put something together and had very few resources and we were in the middle of mid year exams! It was a very exhausting but rewarding process. All the best, Michael